Not all scars heal ideally. Some people who have surgery find that their scars are thick or have keloids, or are darker than the rest of their skin. Sometimes, this causes people to feel less confident in their bodies and drives them to seek out scar revision.

Depending on the location of your original scar, you will need to take a few days to a few weeks off work or school for recovery. During your initial recovery, it’s important that you avoid showering until you’re told it’s okay to do so, use vitamin E lotion on your scar once you’re cleared to start applying it and get plenty of rest. You should also always wear sunscreen on your new scar, at the very least for the first year after your revision.

When you follow your post-op instructions, you can expect to achieve great, long-lasting results from your procedure. Keep in mind, though, that scars are pinkish-red initially, and they gradually fade over time. It can take several months and sometimes even up to a year to see your final surgical results. Would you like to revise your scar to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance? Then contact Gentera Center of Plastic Surgery and let us help you say goodbye to the scar.