Muscle Relaxant – Botox®

Botox® is a common procedure using Botulinum Toxin which was developed to treat the visual signs of aging by reducing or removing wrinkles. The procedure is considered a safe, effective way of treating aging skin. Common areas for Botox; injections include deep wrinkles or “worry lines” on the forehead, between the eyebrows, “laugh lines” around the mouth, and “crows feet” on the outer corner of the eyes.



Botox and Dysport have proven to be the best non-surgical form of facial rejuvenation and is capable of producing phenomenal improvements in your appearance.

Both of the branded medical products contain onabotulinumtoxina, a powerful natural purified protein with proven effectiveness in removing wrinkles by injecting into designated areas to improve the facial skin. This simple procedure serves as a temporary fix (usually lasting 3-6 months) but is a simple procedure that can generally be done in an hour or less. These two injectables paralyze muscle activity that causes wrinkles, giving a flattened and relaxed look to the skin. You’ll leave Gentera with a more youthful appearance.